FCCLA Community Easter Egg Hunt Held
Despite the snow and cold the Easter Bunny hopped into Plainview on Saturday for the FCCLA Community Easter Egg Hunt. Close to 1500 eggs were scattered and hid for the 80 plus excited children. The front of the Plainview Elementary School, Bandshell Park, and Elementary playground were egg covered and ready for children to be turned loose. Children took off crunching in the snow, and perhaps slipped a bit, as they scrambled to get the eggs. Baskets overflowed as they returned to empty eggs and get their drink and prize.
After emptying their eggs, so they could be used next year, all children were able to select a Hog Wash juice drink along with a prize. The candy and prizes this year were all donated locally by the Plainview Chamber of Commerce, Midwest Bank, and Madison County Bank. Mahaska provided the drinks. Plainview Ballbackers provided four large prizes for a drawing after the hunt. Lucky winners for the drawing were: large bike Aubrey Dougherty, a large scooter: Mason Kounousky, small scooter: Khloe Schmidt, and the Balance Bikes: Banx Alexander and Bentley Maertins.
The day was deemed successful based on the smiling faces of the children and laughter being heard. “I was worried about the turnout due to the snow and cold. However, the parent community didn’t disappoint. Kids were dressed for the weather, and it didn’t seem to bother them. Thanks to the parents for bringing the kids in.” stated Ronita Jacobsen FCCLA Adviser. “FCCLA Members enjoyed being able to do this again for the children in our community. We appreciate the donations from our Plainview businesses. Their financial support made this event possible.”